Jadranka Mihajlovic Munitic was born in Dubrovnik, Croatia. She is a member of the Croatian Painter’s Association in Dubrovnik, where she has been living and working her whole life. She has been exhibiting her artwork for many years at the premises of the centuries old Dubrovnik Synagogue, situated in the Jewish Street, in the heart of the Old Town. Loved by the public for her large, strongly colored and hypnotic canvases. Profoundly in love with her native town, Munitic recreates an almost fantastic view of Dubrovnik’s symbols and landmarks such as the Rector’s Palace, the Cathedral, the harbor, the boats, the old streets and the sea.
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The technique is unprecedented and unique in the world. The procedure starts by gluing different materials onto the canvas, obtaining a collage like effect and giving it compactness. Prepared in this way, the surface is then coated with several layers of color, allowing each to dry before the other one is applied. This technique results in an unusual texture and a 3D visual effect on the canvas. All artworks are protected by way of a copyright at the EU level.
“My art reflects my longterm struggle to express myself through a very unusual technique, allowing me to conjure up my sensibility and my inner joy. At the same time, I wish to wake up in others the same sense of joy and personal satisfaction, the felling we are all capable of creating our own worlds and of enjoying them, without felling lonesome and incapable, which is fundamental for happiness in today’s insecure and material world, surrounding us by creating pressure instead of joy of living.” - Jadranka Munitic

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